Saturday, October 13, 2012

Once Round...

Yup ~ I made it all the way around the Blogring :D If I didn't comment I did read, but I think I commented on most too! Feeling pleased with myself, but am wondering how often it's going to be possible ~ it's taken me a while!! Evenso, it's been a good read and nice to touch base with a few familiar names and faces :D

Bedtime now I think! I'll write my own post sometime over the weekend. 

But while I'm here... can anyone confirm to me that this is a hare (rather than a very large grey rabbit)? We have had two hanging about, munching the overgrown grass in our garden.  I think they are a pair, as one is quite a bit larger than the other, but the last couple of days I've only seen the smaller one...


Admin said...

Cant help Im afraid but how awesome to have them in your garden.

Ruth said...

Not hares. Look like domestic lops to me. I wonder whose's lost them?

Jan said...

Looks quite hare-like but they tend to be a lot browner than rabbits and they run in a completely different way

Frogmum said...

@ Ruth ~ definitely not domestic or lops. Ears never go down And we live in the middle of nowhere! We have wild rabbits around all the time ~ these are about twice as big. Their faces are all muscle and scared. It's hard to get close as they shoot off as soon as they hear the slightest sound. Will try to get more pics, but not easy!

mamacrow said...

Looks like a rabbit to me, hares are far skinnier, have dark tips to their ears, and huge eyes - almost bulging!

Frogmum said...

@mamacrow ~ you are probably right I think ~ shame! :( I'm still going to try and get more pictures though...

HelenHaricot said...

yay : well done for making it round the blog ring. does look like a rabbit to me too! [tho no expert]