Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Please take a look at this program; PHONICS INTERNATIONAL.

It is excellent and very thorough - right up to about Year 4/5 I'd say. It starts at the beginning and goes right through every phonic sound - even the really difficult ones and all the variations. It is fully downloadable and Unit one is FREE - (really is, no catch!) - and covers; s a t p i n (same initial sounds as Jolly Phonics).

I have become an agent so if you do decide you like the look and want to sub PLEASE use THIS LINK to earn me a little extra cash :) - Thanks.

I've added a side-box with the link in too, in case anyone wants to look for it later when this post is not so new!

1 comment:

Moo said...

I love the Frog academy name! ...Wonderful! :0)

A really great blog to have a read through and I'll certainly pop by again to keep up to date. I have six children and so can identify with quite a lot of what you write!

Take care
Moo x