Well, I achieved the first step on the road to having a curriculum for next year. I now know what I have on my shelves and I do have a few books for resale which have been hardly used and are in ‘mint’ condition (which in my son’s language means “very good”)! I shall list them at the bottom of this post, but I shall list them elsewhere too, so if you want any you’ll need to be quick off the mark :-) Even though I do appear to have quite a bit, it seems quite disjointed in style and content and I can see me rummaging around looking for stuff when I need it, which I would rather avoid as it always causes irritation & frustration to me and the kids when I can’t find what I need quickly. So there might end up being more for sale soon if I buy other resources that seem ‘smoother’. I really like the look of the Schofield and Sims materials and think it would suit Joel beautifully (and me for that matter). It’s naturally progressive and he could work his way a series through at his own pace and pretty much without my input, although of course I would be ‘on hand’ should he need me. This would free me to concentrate on Boo & Beefy who will both be requiring quite a lot from me this year (Yr1 and YrR respectively). It’s a matter of ‘can I afford to buy more?’ though really, or can I ‘make do’ with what I have? It’s just that what I have does not really suit us so well these days - it was, after all, bought for Jacob who is a very different child to Joel, or Boo and I feel I need something that is more suited to them now. BUT, do I then get rid of stuff, or just store it (like where?) in case one of my others is more ‘that sort of kid’, which I suspect they might be! I also like the look of ‘Classworks’, by Nelson Thornes, but it is more of a Mummy input book - which might not be such a bad thing and probably more fun for Joel in reality. I have similar book (a yr1 WHS own version) for Boo and it really works well, but is much more time and effort consuming. I don’t mind putting in either of the above except that realistically, how do I do that for three children at once, all at different levels? Do I split my lessons and teach little ones and big one separately? Is that logistically possible? I don’t know…it would definitely mean using two rooms as it would far too distracting otherwise. Oh the dilemmas!! Oh the cost!! Still I need to get myself sorted pretty quick smart - I only have a couple of weeks left - aaah!! I’m going to have to have a major re-consider about HOW I do school me thinks. It’s scary & exciting all in the same breath!Anyway - ought to go and actually DO some of that thinking now!!UP FOR SALE:All CGP BOOKSKS1 Science - Study Book & Question Book (Yrs 1 & 2) - £6KS2 History - Study Book and Workout Bk One (for Yr3) - £6(please note that ONE page of the Egypt section of the workout book is completed - sadly in pen :( The rest is untouched)
KS2 Geography - Study Book & Workout Bk One (for Yr3) - £7Year Three Maths - Classbook 3A & 3B plus Yr3 Maths Workout -£1oOR £25 + postage for them all!
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