We are not doing much around here at the moment, but I'm trying to do at least a little something each day. So for the last two days we have been doing 'looking at Great Britain' - I made a list of about a dozen questions that I wanted the boys to find the answers to from our collection of Library books (I gave them page numbers to help a little). They started answering them yesterday and finished off today. Then we sat down and looked at some other 'facts' together - analysing graphs and pie-charts (so I guess that was a bit of maths thrown in there too). Other than that we've finished off our Europe puzzle (at last!!)
Europe Puzzle
and we rounded off today with a little 'regular maths'. And that's it, but it's seemed like loads!!
I've also been trying to get on top of a mountain of washing that's just building up and tidy the house (very unsuccessfully) a little/lot ready for Saturday, when a friend of ours is going to take on our cleaning for us - only at the moment she couldn't see many surfaces or much floor to clean it!!
Sounds like you are keeping things ticking along nicely Caroline - are you feeling any better yet?
No Jax - still feeling .....! I get a 'window' some afternoons between about 2 & 7 and then I hit rock bottom agin (unfortunatly just in time for tea and bedtime!! ;) - no seriously I didn't plan it that way! ) I'm eating next to nothing, as even the thought of food makes my stomach turn. Plain crisps seem to be OK and pancakes, but most other things are a no, no! I could manage a packet of Cashew nuts eveyday I think - but daren't have quite so many as that! Advacados strangely seem to slip down OK, but my mother and son have a fettish for them also, so, despite me claiming them as MINE, by the time they were really ripe enough to eat everybody had eaten one and there were only two left for me (rrrr). Ho-hum, only another 5 weeks of this to go!!
Yes it is :) Courtesy of ELC (I think?). It has all the capital cities marked on and every country in Europe named (even the tiny ones I'd never heard of!!). It is 500 pieces and has taken us ages (bit hard for a 7 & 6 yr old), but with perseverence...
How are you?
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