Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The first Quickie...

This didn't post! Can anyone tell me how I can make the main section of my design wider?


Tim said...

If you open up the template and look in the head area you can widen the body by moving the sidebar to the left adding the width saved to the main column.

You will need to change TWO styles:

find the section which reads:-

#inner-wrap {
padding:0 50px;

Change the padding to " 0 20px " so it reads:-

#inner-wrap {
padding:0 20px;


#main {
padding:6px 0;

Change the width to " 480px " so it reads:-

#main {
padding:6px 0;

That should do what you want.

Any problems - let me know.

Caroline said...

thanks Tim!

Anonymous said...

Ok done that and it's better, but I'd really like to make the whole YELLOW bit wider on the brown background?

Tim said...

Hmm, if you want to make the whole thing wider, which I think is what you are saying, you need to remember that the most common screen resolution is still 800 pixels wide.

If you expand the width of the page, you will force some people to scroll sideways to read the page.

The main point though is that what you want to do is a fundamental change to the design. If it were mine, I would rebuild it from scratch to make this kind of change, this would actually be easier than changing the existing template, because of the complexity of its structure.

So, if you are unhappy with this template, I would recommend that you choose a different one.

Caroline said...

maybe I'll just leave well alone then!!

Tim said...

In fact, looking at it, even the small change I suggested has been enough to slightly muck it up. It looks fine in Mozilla FireBird, which is what I was using then, but now in Internet Explorer I can see a jagged edge on the right hand side.

You might want to clip a couple of pixels off the extra widths I suggested. Oops, sorry.

Seriously, the whole template is drastically overcomplicated, so I would advise against any further tinkering.
Surely there are plenty of other lovely new Blogger templates out there... :-)

Caroline said...

thanks Tim, but I can't see the jagged edge myself, so for now I'll leave alone I think.