Friday, April 08, 2011

Photographic Catch-Up Post

Taking pictures is what I 'do' these days ~ it's quicker to keep a record with a snapshot than it is with a whole load of words. Editing images is so much more me than editing words too, so pictures it is for this post! I hope it gives you a little flavour of life here right now and where the kids are at. Next week we are taking a 'non-book-week'. We haven't had one of those for a while - ages in fact. I can't face three weeks of being nagged into screen time x 7, but the kids all want to 'break-up' as many of their friends do tomorrow. We agreed a compromise ;-) ! So next week will not involve any textbooks, and consequently probably very little written work, probably a fair amount of school-screen-time and as much arts, crafts and sporty time as they like! I believe the weather is going to be good, so hopefully much of it will take place in the garden :).

79/365 ~ Happy BabyDSC_1803

Artist @ workuntitled-1433-2

Finished Product



DSC_1588DPS Challenge; "Workplace"

13/52 ~ Close-upDSC_1448




"In the Wax..!"
this is candle making

Captivated!Painting pots ~ 3



That's a yellow Jolly Phonics reader in her hand ~ she's finished Headsprout at last  and is well on the road now :D

~  ~  ~  ~

I think you maybe get the general idea ;-)
And if you're not too sick of my pictures yet, you can see them all bigger if you click on them!

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