Not only does that life exude joy in all that I see outside my house, but the children inside my house seem to take on a burst of renewed life too and keeping them cooped up with books just would seem like a crime!
So I don't! I declare the last week of term a non-book week, where they can fill their time with games (inside or out) & crafts ~ with only one catch ~ they keep learning!
Baby just is unstoppable outside ~ he LOVES being out in the garden, and wails when the fun has to come to an end. I got the water-table out on Sunday afternoon ~ it's his new top toy!
Aparantly, he's not the only one who loves it..!
He also has a huge fascination with 'orseees', but then wouldn't you if you saw this fella (and his lady friend) almost every time you looked out of your window!

And so we come to the end of another term. I can't believe we have just one more term left of this academic year ~ this year seems to have whizzed by almost without me noticing. The children are so settled in their routines now, that most days and weeks go by smoothly and without drama. Stitch is a little pester-y in the afternoons (mostly about screens), but other than that all is pretty peaceful around here and everyone seems to be making happy progress. I'm hoping the pestering might subside a bit too, now Stitch can be outside more, burning off his unceasing energy!
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