Actually Merry, I do that more often than not. Jacob was 9 months, Abbie was 3 months!! and Phoebe JUST 13 months when I fell pregnant with the next one - so four out of 6 pregnancies so far are almost within a year of the next. I get my P's back at 4 weeks after birth - despite Full-time breastfeeding!! Which in my book is a little bit pants as actually I wouldn't mind a little 'natural break' between babies, but it's not my body's way of doing things! :) I'm always in awe of women who have natural 2 yearly gaps - ho-humm!! I reckon I'm on the cards for at least 10 children at current spacing - 6 in just over 8 yrs (!!!!)
Happy birthday Ellie!
Looks like a great day.
Actually Merry, I do that more often than not. Jacob was 9 months, Abbie was 3 months!! and Phoebe JUST 13 months when I fell pregnant with the next one - so four out of 6 pregnancies so far are almost within a year of the next. I get my P's back at 4 weeks after birth - despite Full-time breastfeeding!! Which in my book is a little bit pants as actually I wouldn't mind a little 'natural break' between babies, but it's not my body's way of doing things! :) I'm always in awe of women who have natural 2 yearly gaps - ho-humm!! I reckon I'm on the cards for at least 10 children at current spacing - 6 in just over 8 yrs (!!!!)
Aaaaah - happy birthday!
Love the pictures, both photos and child-made.
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