Hampton Family

I've not blogged this week because we've had my Mum and another friend (who took the pics) staying with us (and staying up late...) and we have also had a busy time with our church Half-term holiday club - "Fun House" - with which we are heavily involved.
But suffice to say it's all been fairly uneventful and we have all had some fun together, as well as the usual bickering that seems rife in the holiday times (why is that - more time to get up each others noses!!). Kids are in the yard in the paddling pool again just now. I've decided we are having a two week half-term. We were originaly going down-south to see family this week, but the party we are going for has been postponed. It was supposed to be P's grandparents 80th birthday celebrations, but Nan has been unwell unfortunatly, so it's had to be cancelled for now :(
Anyway, I'm missing out on the sunshine sitting here and there's not much to tell, so I'll wait till later and write more maybe. I know there have been a couple of 'funnies' I have wanted to blog, but I can't remeber them just now - my memory fails me - too many babies!!
Yep, thanks for posting the photo :)
The school Anna goes to one afternoon a week *is* having a two week half term so I think it's definitely allowed! Enjoy your second week!
I'm sorry but I had you pictured with short,blond wavy hair!
We have had a two week half term which is growing into three weeks! Talkings good though isn't it? Also the winteer is long enough to fit everything in....
Great to put a face to the names. Thanks for posting a piccie!
tee -hee about the blond wavy hair - I wish!!
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