Signets (can you see three?)
then we wandered down to the 'beach' by the weir and played for ages. A friendly dog begged for a game of 'throw-the-stick-in-the-river' with the boys which they enjoyed - all of them!

Granny & Boo

The Friendly Dog (Jim)

Phoebe (Fubs)
We then went back to the park to play with Jacob's 'hover-disc' (great fun) and go on the swings (Ellie's first time!).

Elisheva - first time swinger!
The children had a fabulous time together and it was great just to be 'out' with little time restraint and everyone happy. It was all brought to a sad ending when Abbie scraped her knee badly climbing onto the slide and made it bleed - a lot. I noticed later that Phoebe had done so too :( I think a phone-call to the council might be needed there. They have just re-opened the park after closing it to replace all the grass around the rubber matting with black paving (now where's the logic there?), but have done nothing to improve the safety or maintainence of the equipment!! Hmmn!
ooh, are you using blogger for photos now then, is it easy? Looks like a lovely afternoon, anyway :)
Not exactly the day for wellies!! :) Actually the Wellyboots is realted to our address, which is 'WELLINGTON Rd' - but we like Wellies too!
On the pictures front - yes blogger is easy and quick to upload pics, but it posts each pic as a new post. What I do is post them all into a seperate blog (like a draft blog) and then copy & paste the URLs into the post I'm writing for the day. A little hastly but it resizes for you (you can choose three sizes) and you can do a bit of 'customizing'- the pics look good too. It would be really easy if you only want to post one or two pics - you could leave them as seperate postings.
I have kept the club-photo account through in case I ever want to put up loads of pics at once (in an album) because I can save blog space that way.
Oh- and the nice thing about 'Hello' (the blogger pics tool) is that you can 'chat' and share pics with friends who are online - cool!
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