For Lent the girls, Paul and I gave up meat this year. This has meant some learning adventures in vegetarian food & getting a balanced diet. I have certainly enjoyed going back to my veggie days and the girls don't seem to be missing meat too badly either, but I think it's proving a lot harder for Paul who would basically be a meatatarian given the choice, and who strongly dislikes what I consider the basics of a vegetarian diet - mushrooms or tomatoes! He's not mad keen on pasta either, so I think this is really quite a challenge for him.
One of our favourites so far has been Homity Pie ~ why have I never met this before?!

Another great success has been Sweet Potato & Butternut soup, with hunks of bread ~ yum!
Then of course there's been lessons in 'decorating' ...

And besides that some 'formal' learning too.

Chip's home-ed is the most photo-worthy though, so... (hover over the pics for details) ...

And that's all for now really.