So the last week or so the chids have been a bit full of cold to push for full-on concentration, so I let them have a games week. There's so much to be learnt from playing great games ~ not least co-operation ;-)
Also I got a phone upgrade, so it was a great chance to try it out with photos :D
So here are some shots from last week...
( this game was mine as a child. I never loved it, but my boys really do)

Enchanted Forest ~ a great memory stretcher, and a favourite of mine since my nursing days.
Scotland Yard
Ticket to Ride
Take Two (like mini-Scrabble)

and full onScrabble at one point too with no photos.
And one point they decided to revive Just Dance (1) and had a giggle with that one afternoon...

A fair amount of tablet gaming (solo and together), and plenty of reading, drawing and colouring.

We also got three more new windows last week ~ including the girls room (meaning we can now get on with the re-vamp the week after half term) and the front of the living room - meaning we can now SEE the view outside :D
At the weekend Abbie & Lilo had their dance school's Bi-annual show. It was wonderful ~ I thoroughly enjoyed watching them and I know they loved the whole thing. They are just sad that it's over so soon - and I remember that feeling from my school-play days.
This week we are back at it for the week, before we take a proper week off for half term next week. The colds have mostly cleared up and everyone has the holiday in sight!
But today was Pancake Day. The children love pancake day and hoped it would be fine enough to do some races outside - which happily it was.
So I cooked nutritious (& yummy) savoury fillings to fill their crepes with and then supplied sugary goodness to pour over the sweet American style ones. All happiness :D
Then we went outside to play...
It was COLD outside, but we had some fun...

So, that's us up to speed. Tomorrow Lent begins. This year Paul, the two older girls and myself are giving up meat for Lent. It's years since I gave something up for Lent, but this year it serves a two-fold purpose; to bring some self-discipline back into my life can never be a good thing and focusing that around a time to focus on my faith will be wonderful, plus it will allow me room to think more carefully about what I am feeding this body of mine. Coupled with the meat-fast we as a family are going to be doing a Bible-study once a week, based around the Narnia films and Shadowlands ~ "Not a Tame Lion." In addition to this I am going to be attending a Lent study at church, starting tomorrow, based on The Theory Of Everything (film) ~ "The Mystery of Everything." I am thoroughly looking forward to both studies - and actually looking forward to a meat-free few weeks too :D
And ... tomorrow my beautiful Boo turns 15!! Where did the years go? Birthday blog will be next, but meanwhile feast your eyes on this just-born beautiful baby girl...