Yesterday Stitch turned 7.
This year has been a rather quiet birthday for him, with 5 of his siblings away on Energi Camp (Taz wasn't going, but it ended up that he was able to at the last minute, thanks to someone's generosity).
He wanted to open his presents in the morning, rather than wait for Daddy to come home ... waiting is not his forte!
He was pretty pleased with what he got and he has some money to get what he didn't!
For the rest of the day the little boys just pottered about, played on screens, fired Nerf guns at each other and later on watched an Iceage film!
About mid afternoon Paul contacted me to tell me about a place nearby where I could try out Open-Water swimming ~ and they had an event on last night. Thankfully it also looked like a nice place to take the boys, so that's what we did. We went to Dearnford Lake. I did a bit of a swim (more on that in another post), the boys watched me and then went to play in the rather nice playground for a bit.
We then went into the lovely cafe there and had something to eat & a hot-chocolate.
The hot-chocolate was DELICIOUS and the food was also VERY lovely. It wasn't the cheapest I've ever eaten, but it really was good!
We all decided it was a lovely place and intend to go back there, do a walk around the lake and play some more another time - perhaps when Paul's parents visit.
We got home quite late and the boys crashed :D
Today's plan was to go to Delamere Forest and do some bug-hunting and bike-riding, but the weather thought otherwise and was wet and cold for the most part, such that Stitch decided the bugs wouldn't be out to play and he didn't really want to go because it was too cold.
It had always been our plan to have Pizza for tea tonight (his birthday choice) so instead we went to Pizza Hut and bought a video to watch when we got home (Justin and the Knights of Valour).