Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mini-Skool ~ Part II
The children get up and ready for school and can start whenever they are ready. For the girls this often means they are begun first as they are currently my early risers. Taz usually starts on the dot of 9 as he is my routine-fixed child. Bugs, well he gets up whenever the fancy takes him, but knows that the work must get done regardless and actually has been great at it (better than I expected). He sometimes tarries things over to Friday, but he still does them, so that's fine :D
I really can't believe how well this is working actually!
Lilo is even good at coming and getting me to do her two-a-day with Mummy and then doing her other few things before she sidles off to play for the rest of the day (mostly).
DD comes and gets me when the mood takes him and I down-tools to work with him when he does. I'm fine with it like this at the minute for him, as he is really only ready for school on his terms. He is, despite that, learning really well :D. I could still use a workbox for him, but all too often he would say he didn't want to do whatever I put in it and disappear to avoid doing it! We actually seem to be achieving more with him deciding what and when to do things. These days I'm very much of the idea that 6-7 is a better age to start any (semi)structured learning ~ and he is not yet 5!
Stitch spends too much time of square screens, but I'm trying out the idea that maybe he will saturate himself and become bored enough to come looking for other things to do! I'm not convinced he will mind ~ it doesn't seem to happen in this house, especially with the boys! Meanwhile he is learning tonnes from the things he plays on, so it can't all be bad :D. Occasionally he will choose a tot-shelf activity and then either myself (if I am not working with anyone else) or one of the big-kids will down tools to play with him. These are nice times usually, but somehow I just think being a toddler is not a challenge to him! Everything I create he seems to do with ease and much as he enjoys the activity he doesn't often choose to repeat it. I'm struggling to think of things to stretch him whilst still keeping the activities appropriate to his age (iyswim). He doesn't much like pencil work so colouring is not an option. He isn't much into sticking either, though he will occasionally if he's in the mood. He likes painting sometimes and enjoys cutting, but these are not everyday activities here (neither would I want them to be!). All that said, he is happy and learning well enough, but I do often wish we lived near enough to a playgroup for him to be able to benefit from some time there ~ not so much for the social aspect (although I think he would enjoy that), but for the variety of resources he would be exposed to which I simply do not have the funds to buy (oh, I wish I did, but then I wouldn't have the space!).
Anyway ~ back to Mini-Skool. It basically is a glorified tick-box system that some of my friends are working with, but more visual (for my very visual kids). I like that it is adaptable for 6 to any age and much as I might need to make new tickets every now and then as subjects change, there really is very little work involved in maintaining the system. Every now and then I throw out a worksheet or two (if I've noticed something needs more work doing on) and that is considered to be the ticket for whatever subject it fits with. It is flexible, so on an 'off' day the kids can choose to do lots of crafts and reading and then just catch up on the academics on a day when their brain is working better! There is no 'dreading' of particular days because each day is the shape they choose it to be. The may still prefer not to do certain bits of work at all, but at least they can set to those when they are in the right frame of mind instead of just because it is next on their list/thing in the box. There seems to be plenty of fun and more craft happening and generally my 'school-room' (there's no getting away from it, that's what I have) is a happy place of positive learning, as opposed to the grumpy place of drudgery that it has been at times. There are still grumpy times, but they are much much fewer and further between than they were in the past :D
At LAST I think I have found something that works for us :D I have found a method of semi-structured-autonomy ~ if there is such a thing!! :D Admittedly the younger ones get most of the 'autonomy' side of things, but even the older ones have a good deal more say in their learning than ever they did before. Taz, for instance, HATES art with a passion. SO, I allow him to sit in only on the 'theory' part of the lesson and then he goes off to watch the Yesterday channel and chalks that up as History (partly because I've not really done any History with them this half term and he is more interested than the others in it ~ he likes a programme called 'World War 2's Greatest Battles' and I'm sure it is educational so I see no reason to not allow him ~ besides no-one else wants to learn about that!), or does his drum practice, or something else that only he does :D Bugs has his photography and Flickr account that are exclusive to his learning. Minnie does some sewing. TP hasn't found her 'thing' yet, neither has Lilo, but I'm sure they will soon enough and with this system there is room to accommodate individuality. Another great thing about this, is that it has made room in our lives for music :D!! I am now teaching guitar to Bugs and Minnie, and TP, Lilo and Taz are starting up piano. I don't play piano, but I do know 'how' it plays, so I can instruct them and Paul can polish them up :D Taz did start once before and his fingers seem to have remembered a fair bit, so I'm hoping he will get back to where he was pretty quick and move on. Lilo and TP are starting from scratch, but that's great :D It's so good to hear music (albeit hesitant, scratchy music) in my home everyday!
So ~ there you have it my self-review of my very own system. If you fancy giving it a try, just email me and I'll give you pointers, but at the end of the day I think we each have to find what works for us, our families and our kids. Trying out other people's methods is a great way to find our own! If I had never heard of, or tried Sue's Workbox System, I would never have come up with this and for that I am VERY grateful.
I haven't yet got around to re-utilising the workboxes, but I will. I have a plan...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bullet Points
- weeding and gardening at the weekend with girls ~ planting heather and bedding plants ~ discovering bugs and making ant farm with Taz (note to self remind Taz to feed ants)
- group exercise/quiz in statements of 'fact and opinion' with interesting outcomes!
- Stinky Face to DD ~ good vocabulary extension ~ repeat over this week and chat about words
- I SPY with Stitch ~ lots of good labels to learn in this one and 'stories' to tell ~ want to get more of these :D
- colour sorting sticker activity
- DD learning "try to find a tri-angle" and going on a shape hunt.
- DD spontaneously beginning to identify numbers (yippee!) ~ number hunt on the cards!
- DD & Stitch on mini-shopping trip with Paul with an 'assignment' to find shapes and numbers! ~ came back with Milky Bars - well they are rectangular!! ;D
- Lilo spontaneously attempting to 'spell' words out loud at the lunch table ~ discussed letters to form 'sh' and 'th' ~ difficulty still hearing 'th' as opposed to 'f'
- Lilo doing really well with Ed-city :D and apparently finding it relatively easy, which is good as she is only working in reception level (she is technically Yr1).
- DD doing well working with beginning sounds of words
- wanting to order 'all about spelling' but postage expensive. If I can can bulk order for about 5 people they will reduce postage and send by ups ~ anyone else want in?!!
- looking at FIAR again ~ seriously considering getting a package of this for the younger three. I think we would enjoy it :D
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tot-School & HE in general.
For my tot-school readers, this is not just a tot-school post, as that would be a little bit time consuming to do separately, so forgive my mention of my other children here too!
It's been busy around here these last two weeks or so, and I have actually convinced Stitch to come off the computer/wii every now and then too! With 7 children I unfortunately don't get chance to shoot every activity, but here is a flavour of life round here :D
There’s been quite a bit of playing outside thanks to the weather improving :D Stitch does get dressed sometimes, but other days he refuses ~ it’s a phase and I don’t have time to have a war over it! Here are the small boys learning to ‘share’ ~ they argue constantly over this car, despite both having Diddy cars!
DD still has stabilisers but he’s nearly ready to lose them :D
We spent some time outside potting out seeds one morning. DD is keen to see them grow :D He has been asking lots of questions about how things grow lately so I figured the best way was to actually do it. It’s been a really long time since we last did any ‘growing things’ but last time nothing lasted :( This time we have a real garden and permission to use it as we please, so I am hopeful ! :D
DD enjoyed this puzzle (60 pieces) ~ he’s pretty good at them and only needed minimal help from me. It was good to talk about times of day after we completed this.
Minnie working on some Comprehension work ~ she likes this book. I picked it up cheap in one of the local bargain shops ages ago, but no-one else liked it. The good thing about the children choosing which resources to use is that things like this are seeing the light of day :D
TP worked on Jump Ahead Yr3 for ages ~ completing the entomology section on bugs in one sitting :D She says she is going to go back to do all the reading about the different creatures.
Lilo was given this for Christmas so we made it together and she painted it. Sadly the second packet of Plaster of Paris went off too fast (I don’t think L mixed it fast enough) so I’m not sure if the other two little frames are going to ever set or not, as I had to add an excessive amount of water to pour it into the moulds.
She also did this puzzle ~ it was a bit hard for her as it contains a lot of blue and odd shaped pieces but once done it provided much conversation on and off through the rest of the day.
Not posted in pictures, but Lilo also started Miquon Orange today. She seemed to enjoy it and I’m going to try and work it alongside MPH 1A as the beginning of that is well within her abilities at least. I don’t have the practice book, but I do have topic sheets so I’ll just use those for now or otherwise there will be too much paper work for her to enjoy it. She really seems to understand numbers. They don’t confuse her like letters do!
DD enjoyed cutting out a KITE ACTIVITY that I downloaded for a mini Spring project with the younger boys.
Stitch also joined in with the cutting and once I had helped him put his fingers in the scissors correctly he was away. Without any practice in between it is amazing how much improvement he has made with this skill compared to last time he tried it. When he put the scissors down he actually picked them up correctly on his own but put three fingers through the bigger hole (with his index finger on top) which, interestingly, seemed much easier for him and his cut was stronger for it. Great to let him find his own way with this. He was SO happy each time he cut a little bit off!
Stitch loved this SPRING ACTIVITY ~ he loves matching things and is really good at it :D
I printed out extra sets of it so we could play matching pairs with it too. I think this was the first time Stitch had played pairs ~ he did really well and coped well with not winning too :D
Of course, you didn’t expect him to stay off the computer for long did you!
There have been quite a few other activities going on too. Today, for intance, I worked in a sticker book with DD, looking at letter sounds and getting him to think about beginning sounds. He is starting to be able to separate out the sounds a little and seems to actually have more of an affinity with letters than numbers (how different can children be!!). That said, I do think he is beginning to be able to label the numbers now ~ he’s better the less hard he thinks in fact!
I’m loving my new mini-skool system and I think the kids are too ~ there definitely seems to be a lot less nagging going on in my department and there seems to generally be a better feel to our days'; more relaxed and yet equally, if not more productive :D Some weeks the children have chosen to spill things over into Friday and I’m fine with that, it’s their choice, but they have to be clear that my working with them week ends of Thursday so that I have time to mark work and plan stuff for the littler ones on Friday and Saturday (as well as have some ME time and catch up on laundry and cleaning etc…) I’ll blog more about mini-skool another night in a separate post.
I think that’s enough for tonight :D
Monday, March 08, 2010
Just had to post today...
I spent a large chunk of my afternoon making THESE & THESE (if you click the links you can download them). They are based on a Melissa and Doug toy that I have also had my eye on for a while, but can't justify the expense of for only eight words and some wooden letters (that I already have), so I decided I could make them ~ and did. I'm really pleased with them, but more to the point DD is rapt! He even wanted to help me choose which words to make (he chose panda, and bear). I've made them double sided. The colour side co-ordinates with the wooden letters I have and will make it easier for Stitch to play with too, but DD can manage the B&W side with relative ease. It was good to see that he is beginning to be able to recognise some of the letter (thanks to Ed City and Starfall !) :D
but DD also had his own idea about how he wanted to use these! Autonomy at it's best :D He wouldn't go to bed until he'd had a go at this and it was a REALLY good idea ~ better than he knew in fact. He wanted to open up Tuxpaint and use the 'writing' tool to write the words. This of course meant he had to look carefully at each letter and then try to find it's matching capital on the keyboard. Some he could do, others he needed me to tell him, but I can see that within a quite short time he could make the links this way and have the added benefit of then knowing where the letters are on the keyboard. The reward of course was that when he hit the correct key he got to see the lowercase letter on screen - further reinforcing the links :D BUT there was more to this too - it was really helping him take his time to hear the letter sounds and hear how they work to make words. He can identify beginning sounds and has been able to for a while, but tonight he was getting to grips with middle and end sounds too, which are always much harder :D
Friday, March 05, 2010
Snapshot of the Week
Lilo on the other hand was a lot more random and rushed, drawing pictures of piles of sand! She drew some blades of grass that were pretty standard kid-grass, so I encouraged her to look more closely as this particular grass had run to seed and was quite interesting up close. She did look and then improved her drawing quite significantly, but only one or two blades! She was much more interested in running around, but that's OK too ~ she had fun!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Happy Birthday Tweetie Pie
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Penguin Lapbook
- A lot of the lapbook came directly from HERE
- This was a fantastic source of information ~ this has all the worksheets, the craft and some other great activities in too :D
- Some great links can be found here (including the little drawing instructions)
- There are a few nice bits on penguins HERE (although I didn't use them in the end)
- There are some nice downloadables HERE ~ including the label diagram
- How penguins grow
- Waddle and Hop model
- And a whole bunch of goodies HERE ! ~ requires sign in.