My photos of Minnie go back to our pre-digital years and many of my photos are bitmap scans saved on disks, which take hours to open up! I didn’t get my first digi’ until she was 18 months or so! This lovely shot of her at just about 3 days old was taken by a good friend of ours and it’s a scan (can’t you tell).
Age 15 months
2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday (well the day after!)
March '05 (age 4 and 1 month)

Taken Jan '06 (very nearly 5) ~ she had serious alopecia this year :(

The girls joint party 2007 ~ Minnie is 6

7th Birthday. 
8th Birthday ~ in her new outfit.
Minnie has always been my ‘easy’ child ~ well all except the feet wrapped round my ribs when I was carrying her!! As a baby she rarely cried or demanded anything from me. I had to remind myself that she was probably due a feed, she never howled for it like most of my others did! She has somewhat lazy, or maybe just laid back and for that reason barely sat up much before 11 months, but by 13 months she was walking. She was very funny, very chatty, and just generally adorable – not much has changed! This face grinning over her cake selection tonight is the one that has been smiling at me everyday since the day she learnt how. Minnie has the sunniest and sweetest of personalities. She is (almost) always ready to help and is my little helper. She adores her siblings – older and younger and is kind and thoughtful to everyone (the majority of the time). This little girly is the one who wants to be like her mamma and have a whole houseful of children and God willing, I think she will, and she will be an excellent Mum to them all ~ far better than me I suspect! :D Just lately we have begun to see the emergence of a little more feistiness, but I think that is a little to do with age and a little to do with making sure she is noticed & not taken advantage of in this busy house of ours :D
I love you Minnie ~ I love the young lady you are becoming. I love your caring nature and your sunny spirit. I love that you love God like he is your closest friend. I love that life seldom phases you. I love that you take things so much in your stride and yet you have a strength of character that doesn’t allow you to become the forgotten middle child. I love that you are often by my side reading stories and playing with the small ones, or in the kitchen trying out new recipes and making a mess! I love you for being you ~ don’t change too much will you!! I live for your smiles :D Before you were born I prayed that you would be a girl and that you would be the one who was to be my soul-mate amongst my children. I believe God heard and answered that prayer when he gave me you! :D