well it now looks like this - look closely and you will see a wasp or two. It's like a big, white, beautiful ball ;
We took a little family jaunt after Paul got home today , to the 'oops-closed' PO for sweets!

So some of the team went on home whilst the rest of us went down to the brook.

My photo mission word for the day was 'gate' - you can see the shots I got HERE, but I also took some gorgeous ones down by the glistening brook. Boo did a spot of this;
So some of the team went on home whilst the rest of us went down to the brook.
My photo mission word for the day was 'gate' - you can see the shots I got HERE, but I also took some gorgeous ones down by the glistening brook. Boo did a spot of this;
While the boys built a dam in the very fast flowing stream. A few weeks ago they were paddling in there quite happily, but not today: it was too deep and too fast! E in fact had run down the bank in eagerness to paddle, slipped and landed on her bum in it. I was glad she hadn't fallen right in as she at all can't swim yet and I I'd have been jumping in after her! It did make her grizzle though as she was thoroughly wet - poor love!
Got home about 7 to find P had left the key with me and couldn't get in (silly nit)! Eventually ate what should have been a lovely tex-mex chickeny thing, only the rice tasted like mud and P & I just couldn't eat it at all! Not sure what the problem, but hope it was nothing major because a lot of the kids had mixed it with the sauce and eaten it!
I think P actually has some free time tomorrow - now there's a novelty - best make sure I don't spend all day on here!! ;D