Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Life seems to have been a little hectic (and I joined Facebook too which hasn't helped ;-) ), but things have been happening here…
Firstly - C is potty trained - YEAH!! No trouble at all and very few accidents so far (that's about 10 days or so) J. He seems to be beginning to go dry at night too, so I'll give him another week and try without a nappy.
Secondly our two 'female' rabbits have had babies!!! So evidently they were NOT both female of course and 'Mr Rosie' is a Daddy! Beth is being a good Mum and the five kittens are rapidly growing. They were born last Saturday and are already looking very cute. We appear to have 5, although we've not poked around too much to be really certain, but today they seemed to have moved the fur off themselves a little more and I defiantly saw five; one grey, one black, one black & white, one sandy coloured (I like the colour of this one) and one a light honey colour (also lovely). The one you can see best in the pic' is the honey one. The plan is probably to re-home 'Mr Rosie' and keep one of the baby girls if we have one and can be sure of it's gender - which apparently is not always that easy!!
Thirdly; P is beginning to read quite nicely now, mostly thanks to the excellent Headsprout Program she has been following. She has completed episode 40 yesterday and is very pleased with herself - as am I with her J. She will carry on to 80 over the summer & I've added in flash-cards now for 'tricky' words. I may still cover Jolly Phonics very briefly in the Autumn if I feel it is worth it still and we are not too far beyond it by then. It is good for learning the 'rules' of reading and writing imo - and I believe they can really help later on when more skill is required.
What else..? Well, N is near enough going through the night: 9pm - 5/6am most nights and then dozes again 'til 7 or so, but occasionally goes right through til then without waking if he is not too hot (ie on the cooler nights when he doesn't get thirsty). He feeds a lot in the day but I can cope with that seeing as he sleeps at night - even if I still don't coz I'm working/playing on here J !
We have P's M&D here this weekend and they are taking the kids out for day trips (in twos), so A&P went to Ironbridge today - yes despite the rain - and had a good time it seems J. The big boys are destined for the Boat Museum and Catalyst tomorrow (both nr Elmsmere Port) - we hope! And Monday they are taking the littl'uns to Telford Wonderland, which I think they will enjoy J. Just praying for a little more fine weather…as we all are I'm sure now the holidays are here - sigh!
Just another couple of snaps from Jacob's school Fun Fest at school last night - the only fine day in weeks and it was a lovely evening too, so the kids had a ball! Jake had wet sponges thrown at his head in the 'stocks' - he loves that and A&P were thrilled with their balloons J.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

This is a free reading scheme - American but very good. I have E playing with the ABC's just now and I'm going to start P on the 'learn to read' bit as I feel she is about ready for it now :-)